What is a Steering Committee? Definition, Roles, and Responsibilities

A steering committee is a group of individuals that serves as the central decision-making body for a project or initiative. It typically consists of senior leaders and stakeholders who are responsible for guiding and overseeing the project's progress and ensuring that it aligns with the organization's goals and objectives.

In this article, we will define what a steering committee is, discuss its roles and responsibilities, and explore how it operates to ensure successful project delivery.

Definition of a Steering Committee

A steering committee is a group of individuals who oversee the progress of a project, provide guidance, and ensure that it is on track to meet its goals and objectives. It serves as the primary decision-making body, making recommendations and resolving issues that may arise during the project's lifecycle.

The steering committee's structure may vary depending on the size and complexity of the project. In some cases, it may consist of a small group of senior leaders, while in others, it may involve a larger group of stakeholders.

Roles and Responsibilities of a Steering Committee

The primary roles and responsibilities of a steering committee include:

Setting project goals and objectives: The steering committee establishes the project's goals and objectives, ensuring that they align with the organization's broader mission and strategic direction.

Developing project plans: The steering committee develops and approves the project plan, including the project scope, timelines, budget, and resources required.

Monitoring project progress: The steering committee tracks the project's progress, identifies potential issues and takes corrective action to keep the project on track.

Making decisions: The steering committee makes decisions and provides guidance on key project issues, such as changes in scope or budget.

Managing risks: The steering committee identifies and manages project risks, ensuring that appropriate measures are in place to mitigate them.

Communicating with stakeholders: The steering committee communicates with stakeholders to ensure that they are informed about the project's progress, risks, and issues.

How a Steering Committee Operates

A steering committee typically operates according to a set of established procedures and protocols. These may include:

Meeting regularly: The steering committee meets regularly to review project progress, discuss issues, and make decisions.

Establishing sub-committees: The steering committee may establish sub-committees to focus on specific project areas, such as risk management or stakeholder engagement.

Maintaining communication channels: The steering committee maintains communication channels with project teams, stakeholders, and senior leaders to ensure that everyone is informed about the project's progress.

Conducting reviews: The steering committee conducts regular reviews of the project's progress to ensure that it remains on track and that appropriate corrective actions are taken when necessary.


A steering committee is a vital component of any project or initiative, providing oversight, guidance, and decision-making capabilities to ensure its success. It plays a critical role in ensuring that projects are aligned with an organization's goals and objectives and that they are delivered on time, within budget, and to the required quality standards.

By defining what a steering committee is, discussing its roles and responsibilities, and exploring how it operates, we hope to provide a clear understanding of its importance and how it can help organizations deliver successful projects.

A steering committee is a group of individuals who provide guidance and direction to an organization or project. It is typically made up of senior leaders, executives, and subject matter experts who have the authority and expertise to make important decisions and set the strategic direction of the organization or project. The purpose of a steering committee is to ensure that the organization or project is meeting its goals and objectives and to provide oversight and support to the project team.

The responsibilities of a steering committee can vary depending on the organization or project. In general, however, the main responsibilities of a steering committee include:

Setting the strategic direction: The steering committee is responsible for setting the overall strategic direction of the organization or project. This involves identifying key goals and objectives, as well as outlining the steps needed to achieve them.

Providing oversight: The steering committee is responsible for providing oversight to the project team. This involves monitoring progress, identifying any issues or risks, and taking corrective action as needed.

Providing guidance: The steering committee provides guidance and support to the project team, helping to ensure that they have the resources and support they need to meet their objectives.

Making decisions: The steering committee has the authority to make important decisions related to the project, such as approving budgets and timelines, approving major changes to the project plan, and selecting key vendors and partners.

Communicating with stakeholders: The steering committee is responsible for communicating with key stakeholders, such as shareholders, customers, and employees. This involves providing regular updates on the project’s progress and ensuring that stakeholders are kept informed of any significant developments.

In order to be effective, a steering committee must be made up of individuals who have the right mix of skills and expertise. This includes individuals with a deep understanding of the industry, as well as those with expertise in areas such as finance, technology, and project management.

In addition, the members of a steering committee must be able to work together effectively as a team. This means that they must be able to communicate openly and honestly with one another and be willing to work collaboratively to make decisions that are in the best interests of the organization or project.

In conclusion, a steering committee is a critical component of any organization or project. It provides the leadership, oversight, and guidance needed to ensure that the organization or project is meeting its goals and objectives and that stakeholders are kept informed and engaged throughout the process. By bringing together a group of experts with a shared vision and a commitment to success, a steering committee can help ensure that the organization or project achieves its full potential.

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