Private Chat for Boards

Say goodbye to using standard messaging applications for board matters that often include sensitive information. Instead, send secure messages and have private chats with disappearing mode through Govrns' platform.

Get a Demo 

graphic showing private chat feature
graphic showing private chat feature

Start a discussion from any device, anywhere

Initiate and engage in discussions from any device, no matter where you are. Our platform ensures seamless communication, allowing you to start as many discussions as needed, whether one-to-one or with the entire Board of Directors.

Get alerted when you receive messages  ​

Get alerted instantly when you receive messages to ensure you never miss important communications.

graphic showing messages
private and secure graphic

Private and secured 

Thanks to our running release system, benefit from all updates (security and new features) in real time.

Whether you start small or are already a large company, our solution adapts to your needs and grows with you.

Create groups for effective collaboration

​Create groups for effective collaboration, enabling team members to communicate seamlessly, share ideas, and work together efficiently.

graphic people collaborating
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